A quarterly journal published by Intrepid Publishing, LLC. Fringe Science (FS) is a peer-reviews journal dedicated to disseminating significant results of scientific research that are comprehensive, groundbreaking and of fundamental importance to the scientific community. FS has rigorous ethical standards. A prospective work published in this journal must exemplify these august tributes. The Author(s) must make compelling cases that it does. Journal articles will be published in a rolling format, so that when accepted for publication there will be a minimal time before the prospective article is published. When the journal is full (approximately ten articles or 100 pages upper limit per volume), then the next volume will be automatically opened.


• Volume 1 NO. 1
• Volume 1 NO. 2 (Publication Date TBA)

Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts for consideration of publication must be submitted to the editorial board: [intrepidpublishing@gmail.com]

Executive Editor

L. Roberts

Editorial Board

M. Gray
W. Miller
K. Nguyen
E. Rayfiels
E. Treadwell
V. Zeljkovic

Two or more references will be solicited for each submission with the editorial board taking part in decisions as to acceptability for publication in this Journal.

Format for Submitted Manuscripts

Manuscripts to be considered for publication in FST must have the following format:




Article Info




MAIN BODY OF MANUSCRIPT (Including the various sections of the paper):

1. – Introduction

2. – etc

Last Section – Discussion and Conclusion

Finally, the References for the paper must be included and titled ‘References’ at the end of the paper.

Note: references are to be included within the text as [#] and in section for references at the end of the paper as per the following example; “Gordan and Klein showed that……” [#], and in the References Section at the close of the manuscript

[#] W.Gordan,Z.Physik,40,117(1926);O.Klein,Z.Physik,41,407(1927).

Publication Charges

Page Charges – $10/page
30 Articles: $50
75 Articles: $85
100 Articles: $100

We will make a maximum of 100 reprints / articles.

Upon acceptance for publication, a bill for page changes along with an order form for reprints will be sent to the contact person that is indicated during the submission process. All payments must be received before an article can be published.

Certified checks made payable to ‘Intrepid Publishing’ are acceptable, as is payment via PayPal.

(Note: To pay by PayPal, log onto PayPal.com, the select ‘Send Money’ and enter ‘intrepidpublishing@gmail.com’ into the recipient’s address field, and confirm payment by clicking ‘Send’.